All businesses need to evolve and move forward…

It’s exciting times at our HQ in Lancing. No business should ever stand still and for us, as Seaside Creative, we recently decided to rename the company and become Constructive Marketing. The name might be different but not everything is changing as, for the most part, we’re the same company offering the same expertise. We’re even keeping a beach hut in our logos as people love them so much. 

Why change the name?

Seaside Creative started as a small agency offering full service marketing expertise, mainly to SMEs in the local area. In the beginning we worked for a wide variety of clients covering; retail, care, restaurants, hair and beauty, pharmaceutical, property and construction. 

This was mainly because the Seaside Creative team provided different services to different industries – such as photographing a production line and then writing technical articles for construction firms – sometimes on the same day! 

Lockdown was hard for the agency, just like it was for most businesses, with many clients pausing services for significant amounts of time. But it did give us time to really assess what worked best.

What we realised was that the industry where we had supplied the widest variety of expertise and achieved the most success for clients was construction. It was also one of the few industries that continued to thrive during the Pandemic. Seeing this as an opportunity to grow the business, we decided to focus our efforts on becoming known as a specialist in marketing for companies involved in the construction industry. 

Fast forward to today and the agency now has over a dozen construction clients from across the South East. With a growing reputation as construction marketing specialists, it made sense to change our name to better reflect that. 

We still have clients that are not in the construction industry, which is why we think the name ‘Constructive Marketing’ works really well. 

The meaning behind Constructive Marketing

When deciding to change the name of the business, we wanted something that was both positive and appealing to those working within, as well as outside of, the construction industry. 

The great thing about the word ‘constructive’ is, while it alludes to ‘construction’, it also means ‘to have a useful or beneficial purpose’. This is exactly what we aim to be for our clients, regardless of what industry they’re in. 

Why now?

Knowing that we have been beginning to specialise in construction for the last 2-3 years may make you wonder why we’re making the change now. In truth, although focusing on construction has been creeping up, it has only really been the majority of what we do within the last year. 

So, in the background, our name change has been something that’s been on our minds for a while. We were just waiting for the right time to do it. Although, as most people in business will agree, there isn’t ever really a ‘right time’. Now was as good a time as any!

Moving forward

So, from now on, we’re Constructive Marketing. A diverse team of marketing experts ready to help you with your marketing needs. Could we help you? Give us a call on 01903 686858 or email us at to get in touch with the team.