Constructive Marketing Logo

We’re going to be exhibiting at the Better Business Show this year so we’ve been busy planning our new Constructive Marketing stand. Which has involved getting new pop-up banners produced (well, re-skinning the old ones!) and working out what we’re going to be giving away to help people remember us and our new branding. 

With all of this preparation, we realised that it might be helpful to share our top tips for exhibiting. Helping you make the most of exhibiting at the next business expo you attend. So here they are:

Be memorable

First and foremost you need to make sure that people remember you which we know can be easier said than done. Especially in a big space full of other businesses who are also trying to get their voices heard. 

But there are some things that you can do:

Make sure people are drawn to your stand

As we said, there are lots of other businesses competing for visitors’ attention in one room. Make sure that your stand is attractive to people – make them want to come over and say hello!

When making your stand attractive to visitors there are two things to ask yourself: is my stand open to invite people in and what on the stand will catch people’s eye? It’s important for it to be easy for people to come and say hello. A common mistake is having a table on your stand because it creates an immediate barrier between you and potential customers. 

Instead, opt for no table and be standing up to greet visitors when something on your stand catches their eye. It’s great when the eye-catching thing on your stand is something that is to do with your business, but having something unrelated can work too. You just need something that acts as a conversation starter – a reason for people to visit your stand. 

Have something to give away

We don’t know about you, but whenever we go to business expos we always look out for the freebies! Whether it’s a pen, mug or notepad, most stands will have something that they’re giving out and there’s a good reason for that. 

Having something for stand visitors to take away means that they’re going to have something to remember you by. The key with choosing what to give out is making sure it’s something that is useful and – if you can – making it something that will sit on their desk. 

Make sure you leave with homework to do

We always know it’s been a successful business expo when we’re leaving with lots of people to chase up. So make sure that you get contact information from the people that you want to follow up with. If you have a lanyard scanner, then use it, but also get business cards if you can because they are more memorable.

There are a few ways that you can encourage people to volunteer their information. The most common way at a business expo is via a business card prize draw. Another way is to make them want to give their details to you. A good way to do this is to showcase your expertise. Maybe have a show reel playing or a leaflet showing off your latest case studies. 

Then do your homework quickly!

Although you might not have done it back at school, it’s important to do your homework as soon as you can. Getting in touch with people very shortly after the business expo will ensure the event is fresh in their mind and that they haven’t forgotten you. As the old saying goes: strike while the iron’s hot!

At the end of the day, the whole point in paying to exhibit at business expos is to come away with useful business contacts and ultimately more business. Making sure you get contact information and follow up on those you meet will help you do just that. 

We wish you luck with whichever business expo you’re attending. If you’re at the Better Business Show on 21st September, make sure you come and say hello to us!